
Thursday, March 18, 2021


Term one  I started the Incredible Years Classroom Management Programme course,  a six weeks course run by Lil Reynecke and Emily Maruai.  A  programme which promotes positive, pro- active and pro-social strategies which encourage best practice in classroom management. With the purpose being to reduce, challenging behaviours in learners and to increase their social and self-control skills.

At the first session we were asked to think of possible goals for ourselves around the Incredible Years Programme (IYP) . As well as a possible target learner that we would focus on during this programme.

My goal is to be able to successfully implement a variety of  strategies required to assist learners
displaying unacceptable social behaviour in and outside of the classroom.
Looking at the learners in my current class I could not identify anyone who displayed any unsatisfactory social behaviour. I will however revisit this early in  term two as I will be having 10 learners join my room and I will have a straight year one class then.

During session two we looked at proactive teacher strategies and developing a behaviour plan for relationship building. For example a negative display of behaviour from a learner could be poking and touching others on the mat, in order to gain attention. The class rules should be displayed and used to promote positive responses from learners. Therefore refer to the class rules and discuss the importance of keeping hands and feet to oneself and respecting personal space. Some ways of building relationships in this regard can be to use puppets to engage learners to display positive behaviour in relation to poking and touching others. Also using the Show me 5.approach. Walking feet, Hands to self, Eyes on teacher, Inside voice, Listening ears.

Some ways that I can be pro active include looking  at my  time table, structure, plan and allow for transitions, look at the positioning and set up of classroom and make changes accordingly. Use positive verbal as well as non- verbal signals. As well as having active breaks for learners. This could involve doing an action rhyme or song, exercise or walk outside. 

How do I do transitions in my room? Currently learners are accustomed to tidying up between lessons. Therefore the tidy op song is played and learners tidy up areas of the room and then proceed to the carpet. Before I start a new lesson I either have an introduction song eg Prior to starting writing we play and sing along with the Tricky word song.  I find this valuable as it settles learners as well as having them look and sing high frequency words which they will later use in either writing or reading.  It is also a great way to reinforce remembering hfw. 

We also discussed the importance of displaying a visual chart or  list of  jobs for learners to do in the class. This could range from putting out pencils, to opening and closing windows. This promotes learners feeling empowered and developing self confidence. Homework for the next session Read chapters 1, 2, 3 & 14. Bring your schools discipline / behaviour plan.  

Session three I was away with the flu. Therefore I will need to have a catch up session with either Lily or Emily at my school. The date is yet to be finalised.