
Friday, May 28, 2021



This is a graph taken from a spreadsheet from a learners blog post. I then did a brief analysis of it.
This learner averaged 
2,7 blogs per month for the year 2017
18,4 blogs per month for the year 2018
28,8 blogs per month for the year 2019
15,3 blogs per month for the year 2020 

Since starting blogging this learners blogs have increased and for the years 2018 to 2019. However in 2020 her posts decreased. This could be due to covid, absenteeism. 


 Session 4 

This week we have been focusing  on Share (Dorothy) and the importance of this. Share and connect go hand in together As humans we connect and share! As the hook from heaven our goals being to raise student achievement. Sharing has been hook since 2010. Ways in which we share in a school system include some of the following. At school assemblies, news letters, school production, sharing learners stories and learners with principal and others, giving learners sticker, displaying learners work  on the wall. 

Sharing in the digital age. We chose blogger as the main online space for  our young people to share their learning. Share to finish learning. Learning the importance of sharing and taking time to share is crucial part of learners learning journey. This is a lifeskill that needs to be learnt.  Share to learn. Share to finish learning. You may start  sharing as a place to learn.  We are using  blogger as platform for  our  DFI course. This can be great use for sharing for appraisal.

Creating a form 

Forms and sheets work really well together. Blank form Write in the title of the form it will automatically sync up and show. I found this fun. However If I used these I will  need to use images for my year one learners, as they do need the visual to help understand the text.

     This is an example of  the Form that I created.

Today we explored using My Maps 

I decided to show places that I have visited.

Friday, May 21, 2021


Google Draw
Today I explored google draw and learnt about its many uses.

                           I then created an about me button in google draw.

Google Slides
We also explored google slides and its purposes. Google slides are used to enable learners to access their learning. At a year 1 level it is crucial that the slides created for learners have mainly pictures with few words. These visual images are vital for our young learners.

Friday, May 14, 2021


 Today we focussed on Google Meet which I am well familiar as we started this at the start of  Covid. I was also introduced to Google Keep and  I installed the app on my phone and started a shopping list. Therefore google keep can be used for my personal uses. In the classroom Google Keep is good for learners to keep all information in one place. It is handy for note taking, taking photos and a good place to collate all your 'stuff'.  One can put a bank of comments together example report comments. I found it very interesting that one can use Google Keep and add location and you will receive a notification to your mobile when you are passing that location, example shopping. No excuse to avoid getting the shopping done. It is important to note that Google Keep does not work from room to room across the school.

Taming your tabs 
We learnt ways to effectively  manage and keep track of your tabs. I noted that
having too many tabs open  will slower your device. So don't have too many tabs open close them if not using.
Sync is 3 dots at the top On Chrome Make sure that sync is turned on as if you close that tab and sync is off, you will lose all that information. 
I found the using bookmarks very useful for any info used daily like attendance, blogs, class site and drive.

Workspaces (smart browser windows) is one of the best ways to organise your work.

We had a google meet with Dorothy who revisited the four DFI goals and focussed on Learn.

I learnt how to do a google meet recording and add it to my blog.

Friday, May 7, 2021


 At our first session today  I got a deeper understanding of the Manaiakalani journey since 2006. It was very interesting to hear about how the Manaiakalani trust was started and the huge efforts and work that went into establishing this wonderful organisation. It was great  to hear how the Learn, Create, Share came into being. 

I gained some insight  about Google chrome and its function as a software application browser.. Also  why  it is best to use Google chrome as a browser, as students have this on their chrome books. I learnt how to set up a profile picture and how to set up bookmarks. It was very helpful to learn how to organise my drive.  

I learnt how to use voice typing and I will teach my learners how to use it. This will be fun and assist their reading skills.

Being able to confidently organise my work in folders will definitely save me time,  as I will be able to access information easier.

Saturday, May 1, 2021


In term two I will be participating in the Digital Fluency Intensive Programme / DFI. This will be a nine week course, which is designed to provide  purposeful professional learning for educators in our wider community of learning.  as well as to build confidence and  digital fluency in educators within the Manaiakalani Programme. The course will be run by Stef Parker, Dorothy Burt and the DFI team.